My last post was almost six years ago. Back then, I was talking about starting a tree nursery, and I had the mindset of something along the lines of "As long as you try, you will succeed no matter what happens." Obviously, things have changed as time passed, as has my mindset and my goals with gardening and life itself, to some extent. But after six years of not writing my thoughts and observations, I thought it may be a bit jarring for anyone scrolling down the blog feed who happens to notice the dramatic change in methods and thought processes from the prior writing. So I decided to create a series of update posts to get readers up to speed on what's going on in my life, and how gardening, science, health, and nature all fit into it. Starting From When We Last Heard From Our Protagonist... As I mentioned in the previous paragraph, back in September of 2016, I was intending to start a small apple/pear tree nursery using seeds I collected over the course of the year. ...
Back in December, I wrote part one of this series , which was about starting apple trees from seeds I collected over the past year. The idea was to get a series of tree seedling started every year from various fruit seeds, and over time, begin selling them to people in my local community as each batch of seedlings matured. Keeping costs low is a large part of making this work, so I planted them in the regular old dirt in a partially-wooded area in my back yard. I haven't wrote about it since then, and I suppose you might be wondering if that's because the seedlings didn't grow and the plan was a failure. Well, fortunately that's NOT the case, and I did successfully germinate a number of apple seeds into baby apple trees. I took a short video of the seeds sprouting out on the last day of winter, March 19th: Other than removing the mulch I placed in part one, I did nothing else to help these seedlings along. As much as I wanted to pamper each seedling,...